Workers Compensation Psychology

Are you feeling anxious or overwhelmed due to a workplace injury? You might be eligible for workers compensation psychology!

You are not alone. A 2020 study suggests there is a 50% chance that people will experience symptoms of depression after a workplace injury. You don't need to live with self-doubt about your performance or anxiety around what others think about you. Our trained and experienced psychologists will ease the burden of your workplace injury by helping you overcome self-doubt, a sense of overwhelm, and sadness. This means you can smile again and feel confident in restarting your career.

Smile again and feel confident in restarting your career.

Workers compensation therapy

If you have suffered a physical or psychological work-related injury, you might be eligible for a workers compensation claim. You don't need to live with self-doubt about your performance or anxiety around what others think about you.

Our trained and experienced psychologists can ease the burden of mental stress in the workplace by helping you overcome self-doubt, a sense of overwhelm, and sadness. This means you can smile again and feel confident in restarting your career.

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What are the benefits of workers compensation psychology?

Emotional Support

A workplace injury can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety and depression. Workers compensation psychology provides a safe and confidential space to express your emotions and feelings. Our psychologists offer empathy, understanding and validation, which are important for healing and recovery.


Workplace injuries can often be accompanied by self-doubt and a diminished sense of self-worth. A psychologist can help you gain deeper insights into your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. This increased self-awareness rebuilds your confidence and helps to develop a positive outlook towards returning to work.

Skill Building

Workers compensation psychology equips you with the tools to manage stress, anxiety and depression. By learning and applying these skills, you can become more resilient and adaptable, ready to handle future challenges and feeling empowered to achieve your goals when returning to work.

Feeling stressed about your claim?

Download our free tip sheet on how to ease the stress of your workers compensation claim.

Getting out of your comfort zone: Making new connections - International Psychology Services
Reduce the stress of workers compensation claims

How much does workers compensation psychology cost?

If you have been injured at work and want therapy to support your recovery, ask your GP, rehabilitation provider, insurer, or your employer for a referral to Scope. Workers compensation psychology is available 100% online, so you can access support from anywhere in Australia.

We follow the price rates recommended by each of Australia's workers compensation funding bodies. Check the WorkCover QLD, WorkSafe VIC or ReturnToWork SA pricing guides below for more details.

Where should I start?

What is the therapy process?

1. Background - You'll provide important background info and details about your workplace injury and challenges.

2. Intake - You'll meet your psychologist and work together to identify your recovery goals. You may also discuss a treatment plan to share with your workers compensation funding body.

3. Therapy - Your psychologist will deliver tailored support using evidence-based approaches.

4. Review - Your psychologist will track your progress and measure outcomes to help you reach your goals.

Workers' Compensation Psychology Services

What you can expect from us...


Collaborative treatment plans guided by evidence and personalised to meet your injury recovery goals.


We understand that every injury has the potential to impact your mental health, whether it be physical or psychological.


Workers compensation psychology is available six days most weeks, with after-hours and online appointments.
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What should I bring to therapy?


It can be helpful to bring a role description to therapy for your psychologist to understand the context of your injury.


You may want to jot down any questions or concerns you have about your symptoms or challenges before your first therapy session.


It may be helpful to bring a notepad and pen to take note of important information, and also a comfort item to make you feel at ease.

Who should I see for workers compensation psychology?

All of our psychologists are AHPRA registered and registered with workers compensation funding bodies.


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