Tania Hayes
Tania Hayes
Registered Psychologist
What services do you offer at Scope?

I provide therapy and assessment services for children and adolescents, including

Therapy to manage:

  • Symptoms associated with autism, ADHD and learning difficulties
  • Anxiety and depression
  • School-based difficulties

Neurocognitive assessment for:

  • Autism spectrum disorder (autism)
  • Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Specific learning disorder (dyslexia, dyscalculia & dysgraphia)
                                                                                            Who would benefit from seeing you?

                                                                                            I primarily work with children and adolescents who need assessment for autism, ADHD, and specific learning disorders with impairment in reading, writing and mathematics.

                                                                                                  What has your psychology journey looked like?

                                                                                                  My background is in education, and I have always been passionate about understanding what makes effective learning happen, identifying barriers, and understanding and applying evidence-based interventions. I have worked as a teacher and guidance counsellor across primary and secondary settings, and also worked extensively as a career counsellor before pursuing psychology. I am currently a registered psychologist.

                                                                                                        What values underpin your approach?

                                                                                                        My practice is rooted in creating a safe, inclusive and neuro-affirming space. It’s important that my clients feel comfortable to share their experiences, and that means creating a compassionate and non-judgmental atmosphere with open communication and genuine connection. I’m most passionate about supporting people to develop positive identities and reach their goals and potential through self-understanding and acceptance.

                                                                                                              What do you find rewarding about being a psychologist?

                                                                                                              I find it rewarding to help people identify their strengths, difficulties and values, and explore how these might inform their personal, learning and career goals. It’s a privilege to work with clients to lead rich, full and meaningful lives.

                                                                                                                    Why do you like working at Scope?

                                                                                                                    I love working at Scope because of the collaborative team culture, the flexibility it affords, continuous opportunities for learning, and the chance to pursue my own professional interests.

                                                                                                                          What are some of your personal interests?

                                                                                                                          When I’m not at work, I love trying out new recipes for friends and family, engaging in a bit of mindful ‘green therapy’ by pottering in the garden, or snuggling on the couch watching reruns of Schitt’s Creek with my family.