SLD Assessment

Put simply, an SLD assessment (specific learning disorder assessment) is a test that psychologists use to understand how your brain functions. An SLD assessment tests for dyslexia (challenges with reading and spelling), dyscalculia (challenges with numbers and math) and dysgraphia (challenges with writing).

A specific learning disorder assessment includes questions and tasks that measure specific cognitive abilities, and identify your brain's strengths, challenges and differences. The results of assessment are used to diagnose and to inform support and strategies to improve your daily life.

SLD assessment is available in-clinic or online.

What are the benefits?


SLD assessment can help you, your family, and your friends understand why you act or feel differently from others. Understanding your brain can help make sense of things that may have been confusing before.


SLD assessment identifies your brain's strengths, challenges and differences. The psychologist’s report explains these results and helps you to access support and tools to improve your daily life. These supports usually help with school, university, or in the workplace.


A diagnosis can be an empowering experience. It can be reassuring to know that a) there's an explanation for your differences and difficulties, b) there are ways to make life easier and use your differences to your advantage, and c) you’re not alone and now you can connect with like-minded communities.

What are the outcomes of an SLD assessment?

An SLD assessment can diagnose the following three learning disorders:

  • Dyslexia — significant challenges with reading and spelling.
  • Dyscalculia — significant challenges with numbers and math.
  • Dysgraphia — significant challenges with writing.

The results of assessment are used to diagnose and to inform support and strategies to improve your daily life.

SLD assessment - Specific Learning Disorder

How much does SLD assessment cost?

SLD Assessment Packages

Assessment Packages

We've streamlined your SLD assessment needs with cost-effective packages. Assessment packages help you to save money through bundling, when booking in for multiple assessments. This not only provides financial savings, but also ensures that you receive the most thorough evaluation possible.

Ask about our packages

Where should I start?

What is the process?

1. Background - You'll provide your background info and details for your practitioner.

2. Intake - You'll meet your practitioner, and have an opportunity to ask questions and present your concerns.

3. SLD Assessment - You'll complete a series of standardised questions and tasks that evaluate your cognitive functions with the help of your practitioner.

4. Feedback - Your practitioner will discuss your results with you (it’s a jargon-free zone, we work hard to make sure it makes sense), clarify your concerns and talk with you about the next steps,

5. Report Writing - Your practitioner will write a report summarising the assessment findings, their diagnostic impression, and recommendations for next steps.

SLD Assessment Services

What you can expect from us...


Our SLD assessments are available to everyone, including people with all verbal abilities (including non-verbal), low and no vision, and low motor skills.


We have an extensive library of assessment tools to tailor your assessment and answer your questions.


You can access assessment 100% online, in-clinic, through home visits*, or through our rural outreach services.

* Home visits are limited by time taken to travel from our clinic locations. Please ask our client support team for more information.

What should I bring?


Bring any relevant medical and educational records, such as previous assessments and reports, and a list of your current medications.


You may want to jot down any questions or concerns you have about your symptoms or challenges before your first session.


It may be helpful to bring a notepad and pen to take note of important information, and also a comfort item to make you feel at ease.

Who should I see for an SLD assessment?

All of our psychologists are AHPRA registered.