Online Therapy
What are the benefits of online therapy?
Emotional Support
Skill Building
How much does therapy cost?
(+$50.00 new client fee)
Medicare Rebate
- Registered Psychologist – $220.00-$250.00 per hour
Private Health Insurance
- Provisional Psychologist – $160.00 per hour
- Registered Psychologist – $220.00-$250.00 per hour
NDIS Claims
- Provisional Psychologist – $156.16 per hour
- Registered Psychologist – $222.99 per hour
Are you eligible for therapy rebates? Check out the list of our funding bodies to find out which rebates you might qualify for:
Where should I start?
What is the online therapy process?
1. Background - You'll provide important background info and details about your challenges for your practitioner.
2. Intake - You'll meet your practitioner, and work together to identify your goals for therapy.
3. Therapy - Your practitioner will deliver treatment and tailored support using evidence-based approaches.
4. Review - Your practitioner will track your progress and measure your outcomes to help you to reach your goals.