Dysgraphia is not a thing...
well... it was a thing but in 2013, it was removed from our diagnostic manuals.
Before 2013...
dysgraphia described difficulties with two things: handwriting and expressing yourself clearly in writing.
After 2013...
these difficulties were separated into two different neurodevelopmental conditions. Now, if you have physical difficulties with handwriting this is called developmental coordination disorder.
If you have difficulties with...
expressing yourself clearly when writing, spelling words accurately or using correct punctuation and grammar, this is called a specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression. Separating these conditions is very helpful for providing the correct support.
So, this means...
developmental coordination disorder (the physical aspect of writing) is best supported by an occupational therapist. Whereas, learning disorders are best supported by educational professionals.
Reach out to Scope...
if you want a better understanding of difficulties with writing.
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