Expat Therapy

4 steps to making new connections abroad

Living abroad as an expat can be quite an adventure, full of new experiences and opportunities. However, living abroad also comes with some challenges that can often be overwhelming. From cultural differences and language barriers to homesickness and loneliness, the expat life can be a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. In these moments, it's important that we are able to make new connections, for shared support and a sense of belonging.

Feeling isolated in a new country?

Getting out of your comfort zone: Making new connections - International Psychology Services
Fill out the form below to get access to our free 4 step guided reflection on how to break out of your comfort zone and forge new connections while living abroad.

Expats Mental Health Support Group
Expat Advice Facebook Group - International Psychology Services

Join Scope's expat mental health support group

Scope has created a Facebook group for expats to access information and general advice from our expat psychologists. The group provides evidence-based tips and strategies to cope with relocation and the common emotional experiences associated with moving away from family and friends. Advice is general in nature. Please access 1:1 or group online therapy if you are seeking more personalised support.

Join the group